If you’ve been following along David and his son Jack have been working on the first Pixel Press level in Minecraft (#PPIMC). Below are the latest images, and even a video David put together. Even more cool – David and Jack have shared their Minecraft template that you can use to build your own level.
Here are some notes from David on the template:
In Minecraft, when you Create a World (aka Map), it creates a folder within the “saves” folder that contains all the files for that map. Minecraft is so compact and elegant in this way. This Map is only 638 KB compressed.
When you make modifications to the Map within Minecraft, the updates are reflected in that saved folder. I have named the saved folder “PPIMCTemplate” .
I created this Map (what I am referring to the PPIMCTemplate of PPIMC SketchKit) for public consumption, feel free to share!
If you are into Minecraft, be sure to share this with your friends – anything you build and send our way (robin@pixelpressgame.com) will be put up here on our blog.